Author Study Prezi

Monday, March 29, 2010

Sorry Wrong Number and The Lottery

After reading both one-act plays, you need to comment on the all of the following questions. Answers should be in complete, well-written sentences Comments are due APRIL 25 by midnight!!

What surprised you about the format/structure of the one-act? Explain by providing specific examples.

What do you think will be the biggest obstacle to overcome in writing a one-act play? Explain why.

Name 3 elements that all one-act plays should have in them and provide an example from one play that we read to support your ideas.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Critiquing Poetry

Create your own critique sheet for poetry. Use the following elements of poetry to help you workshop poems:
Form and Structure
Voice and Speaker
Figurative Language/Imagery
Sound Devices

Robert Frost assignment

Go to the following link to read Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken" poem

Use the Critiquing Poetry post to analyze the poem
Make one comment on THIS POST (not critiquing poetry post)regarding your interpretation of poem and explain. Comments due by midnight Thursday 3/24!
Prepare your critique sheet for workshopping and/or discussing on Wednesday 3/23.
This assignment is worth 10 points. (3 points for comment and 7 points for the critique sheet and discussion on Wednesday)